Future Fruit Farm


Ellen Warsaw-Lane, Selena Warsaw-Lane


Ridgeway, WI

About Us

Future Fruit is locat­ed on the beau­ti­ful hills and ridges over­look­ing the Wis­con­sin riv­er val­ley. For over 38 years our fam­i­ly orchard has been spe­cial­iz­ing in organ­ic antique and exot­ic vari­eties of pears and apples. The unusu­al and deli­cious fruit we pro­duce is hard­er to grow, but we feel, far supe­ri­or to more com­mon types of fruit. The rich fla­vor and per­fume of our fruit is usu­al­ly lack­ing in the com­mer­cial vari­eties, there­fore the taste of our fruit is sought after! Our empha­sis is on fruit that is burst­ing with fla­vor, grown in a sus­tain­able organ­ic environment. 

We care for each of our trees as if they were our chil­dren. As we strive to per­fect our organ­ic farm­ing meth­ods we strug­gle with the harsh real­i­ties of weath­er extremes and cli­mate change, but still the fla­vor sur­vives. All of our trees are full stan­dard size trees, which means some are as tall as 30 feet high. We hand pick, sort, and wipe each piece of fruit, valu­ing qual­i­ty over quantity.

On top of our fresh fruit, we also offer; small batch fruit but­ters, pre­serves and sauces, pear and pear-apple cider, as well as many fab­u­lous baked goods. 

Oth­er than local farm­ers mar­kets, we can be found at co-ops and fab­u­lous restau­rants through­out the area. The farm is not open to the pub­lic, but by appoint­ment for events etc.

About Our Products

Unique artisinal fruit and products, bursting with fabulous flavor, grown by organic methods.

What We Offer

  • Apples
  • Applewood chips
  • Bakery
  • Cider
  • Fruits
  • Jellies and jams
  • Pastries
  • Pear butter
  • Pears
  • Plums
  • Specialties

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