Patterson Sugar Bush


Tim Patterson, Richard Patterson


Park Falls, WI

About Us

Five gen­er­a­tions of Patterson’s have made maple syrup at our fam­i­ly sug­ar bush nes­tled between the two forks of the Flam­beau Riv­er in Park Falls, WI. Found­ed in 1988, Pat­ter­son Sug­ar Bush takes great pride in our for­est, is com­mit­ted to low-impact sap col­lec­tion prac­tices and uti­lizes ener­gy-sav­ing cook­ing sys­tems. Pat­ter­son Sug­ar Bush is proud to offer cer­ti­fied organ­ic, 100% pure maple syrup from for­est to fork. Sweet! 

About Our Products

Our certified organic, pure maple syrup is produced from sugar maples on our land that has been in the family for over 140 years. Tapped in the Northwoods of Wisconsin, our organic maple syrup has an intense, robust flavor.

We offer organic maple syrup, maple sugar and barrel-aged maple syrup.

Indulge in our certified organic maple syrup aged in a curated selection of boozy, charred oak barrels from local distilleries. We take freshly emptied barrels and fill them with small batches of steaming hot maple syrup to mature for up to a year. Each barrel variety imparts a uniquely complex flavor profile. Sweet!

What We Offer

  • Maple syrup

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